
July 13, 2010

What is Karma?

  1. A. Simply put, karma is where if you do something good for some person or creature and something good will happen to you in return. If you do something bad to someone or some creature, something bad will happen to you in return. “Do unto other as you would have them do unto to you.” The golden rule in Christianity. Same principle follows. What goes around comes around. If you live your life exercising kindness and compassion to all people and all creatures, something good will swing around your way. And vise versa.

Pretty much means what goes around comes around. So the next time you think about doing something mean and hurtful to another person maybe you should stop and think about what will happen to you in the future if you do this and is it really worth it?

I am trying to turn over a new leaf and focus on the good in everything not the bad and I am always thinking about karma. Really not easy for me because I am a person who does not take criticism very well and I take everything personally. And pretty much once you have made me mad that’s it! I have never forgotten any wrong doing that has been done towards me nor have I forgiven. Like you are suppose to! I simply decided that somethings cannot be forgiven or forgotten.

But not anymore this new leaf of which I mentioned earlier that I am turning over (which takes time and you can’t just flip the thing over) is pretty heavy. So…… think about it!

Well thanks for reading.



July 9, 2010

I don’t know hardly any people you write letters anymore. I believe it is a lost art. I remember in school when they gave you tests on how to address an envelope and how to write a letter. Not anymore.

I remember filling out something in school and getting a pen-pal. She was from Australia. We wrote all the time and it was even better then a regular pen-pal because I had to save even more money for the airmail stamp. So cool. How many of you still write actual letters? One that consists of an envelope and a stamp?

Also I have noticed no one cares what their writing looks like and they don’t even teach cursive writing anymore do they? I remember if you didn’t have nice writing you got marked off for that. But of course you know these days I am older than dirt. So what do I actually know about what is going on in the world today. But I love getting letters and writing them. The anticipation of whether or not you will have one in the mailbox.

Or the feeling that comes over you when you receive a letter of love from an admirer or your other half or someone who is just now confessing their love to you. Those letters were so powerful and meant so much. Do you remember? Have you written one? Have you wrote one and not got one back? I have and let me tell you when you open your heart and bear all to someone you just know will feel the same once they read it……and they don’t ..And they don’t explain why.. It lingers forever in the back of your mind and you always carry that hurt in your heart no matter what……

Thanks for reading!



July 8, 2010

What is a soulmate? Do you believe in them? Here is one definition : A soulmate or soul mate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one’s soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join.

One story about soulmates, in Plato‘s Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them.

So what do you think? Are you still waiting for your soulmate? Have you found them and just can’t have them? Do you believe that a soulmate has to be the one you are intimate with, married to? What if your best friend truly is your soulmate? Can you love your spouse or significant other and your soulmate equally? Or will there always be a stronger connection to one or the other? And then again maybe you are already married to your soulmate.

Now is your soulmate the love of your life? Does it have to be? Can you truly without doubt have only one love of your life? Well we should look at the definition of love.

As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. Even this limited conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual emotional closeness of familial and platonic love[2] to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love.[3] Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

When you have both of these definitions what do you think now? We all know the supposed love between Romeo and Juliet. Love of a lifetime or soulmate or both?

Think about it let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading



July 7, 2010

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting with my best friend from Jr. High. She moved and we kept in touch off and on but it has literally been @ 14 yrs since I have seen her because her son was about 2 months the last time I saw here and is now 14.

I was so afraid of seeing her. What if she didn’t like what I look like now? What if she didn’t like who I was as an adult? I was so nervous and excited at the same time. My husband kept saying calm down. But I was just so…… that is a lot of time to pass between friends. I almost backed out and didn’t go. But I did and it was GREAT! She looks exactly the same. Same great smile and clumsiness. Same laugh. Same sparkle in her eyes. I hated to hear about the hard times that her and her family had I wish I was there if for nothing else to console her. It made me feel awful that I couldn’t find her sooner.

This time I will keep track of her no matter what. AS I pulled out of the parking lot where we had met at I noticed the tears started to trickle down my cheeks and my husband asked if I wanted to go back and I told him no I just didn’t want to leave what I had been looking for all these years and had only found for a second it seemed. But then he reassured me he would take me to see her anytime I wanted.

To my friend : I promise to never misplace you again!

Thanks for reading!



June 25, 2010

What kind of friendship do you have? Are all of your friends of the same gender? Do you have a best friend of a different gender? How does your significant other feel about it? Can they handle the fact that it is just a close friendship nothing more or are they suspicious of what the two of you have and ask why do you need them when you have me?

Answer: While a lot of people say or actually do marry their best friends. Others are still just best friends. They have no desire to marry each other and if they are lucky have found the love of their life with someone else.

But some people can’t accept or believe that you are just friends it is a little evil thing I like to call doubt. And that one grain of doubt can build a huge sand castle in their minds about what they think is actually going on between these best friends.

You know ladies if your man has a best friend who happens to be a female don’t freak or let the doubt in because really if it was going to happen for them it already would have and guys vice versa. So leave that little grain of doubt where it belongs … in the sandbox.

I myself do happen to have a friend of the male gender and I think that it terrifies my husband that I talk to him but I am still going to talk to him. The only way or reason I would quit is if it caused problems between him and his wife. And that is only because as a friend I only want for him to be happy and as long as he is happy I would never do anything to jeopardize that.

So what do you think? Ok or not?

Thanks for reading.


To Lead or to Follow?

June 23, 2010

So I apparently cannot make myself remember to post everyday …..


I was going to continue with the story I was telling in the last post but I don’t think I want to. Let’s move on.

Are you the type of person who can lead or do you prefer to follow?

Soft Leaders (as I like to call them) leading you and you don’t even know it.

Hard Leadership (hardcore in control freaks!) these are the in your face do what I say and do it when I say.

There are different types of those as well. I know you are thinkin’ what?

Soft Followers (these are really closet Soft Leaders) they will follow the leader but be aware because really they are leading the leader and he doesn’t even know it.

True Blue Follower (till the end) they will follow their leader to the very end I mean if the leader should turn sharply it could break the followers neck LOL … seriously these are the followers that are committed they are there rain or shine no matter what that leader tells them to do they do it. Almost like they were born to only follow.

So which are you? Well I am callin’ it a post .

Thanks for reading


Not Sure

June 18, 2010

Today is a day when I am unsure what to write about. But since I have challenged myself to write this blog at least 5 days a week whether anyone actually reads it or not…
So connecting with old friends you thought you had lost is great! But apparently.. not the case every time. Sometimes it is only good when it is good for them. Now I am sure that their are a lot of you who understand what I am saying. Well lets talk about my friend Pete.. now Pete and I were not just old friends but we were Best friends we always hung out, went on little roadtrip vacations together, watched movies, and best of all couched. For those of you who don’t know what couching is I will tell you…couching or to couch means two people lay together or sit together on a couch in each others arms you know feeling completely safe and then you share and talk about Everything! (Even the people we were dating or seeing at the time)

Well that is how we were for about I don’t know 4 years.  We are talking this was an everyday or 6 out of 7 day thing . See he worked over night so I would get up when he got off and wait for him on my couch. Anyway I thought we were very close until one day he was just gone. Yes thats right gone no explanation no nothing. He disputes this of course saying I left first which is only natural. But I was left with no one, and maybe ended up a little scarred for life!

Moving on we both ended up getting married in the exact same week. Of course I was not invited to the wedding. But I had sent an invitation to him through my brother but Pete left right away for his honeymoon. Long story short. Too late

Pete and I saw each other about 2 years after that and I refused to talk to him unless he was going to apologize to me for leaving me. He said he didn’t understand why I was so upset and was not going to apologize so I didn’t talk to him that night. Then a couple years ago my brother got married and of course Pete was there and he tried to talk to me but I was still not willing to talk to him unless it was a hurtful or sarcastic remark. He was there with his wife and daughter(who is very cute by the way).

More time has passed and now about 3 weeks ago I decided to talk to him when I found him on FB. Well I apologized and I really just wanted my friend back, actually needed him back you know because when you have a connection like that with someone and all of a sudden they are gone it is painful and you feel like you aren’t really whole. But of course I am crazy so .. I probably don’t know what I am talking. And I am leaving the floor open if Pete would like to chime in.

To be continued…….


Why people do stupid things?

June 16, 2010

Why do people do stupid things? Do they know they are doing them? That is the real question here.

People who pass you when you are driving over the speed limit already and then stop and turn. How does that make you feel? Well I know for my friend …(we will call him Pete to protect his innocence) So Pete feels that these people are stupid and should never drive again it really disturbs him. But I agree you know what… you are almost to the turn just wait it out then turn. What have you actually gained from passing the car in front of you then stopping and turning? Nothing but wasting the gas that it took you to accelerate to pass the car! So in turn you are losing not gaining.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when they do something stupid. But when they do the same stupid thing again….what can you do. Can you really just walk up and ask them … Excuse me I couldn’t help but notice you just did that remarkably stupid thing not once but twice..what’s up? Are you aware it’s stupid?

I don’t really think that would be socially acceptable but could be fun to get the responses. Maybe next time you see someone do something stupid you should just walk up and say hey that was stupid..why? why did you do that?

If people don’t know that they are doing these stupid things how will the cycle end?

Your Thoughts?

Thanks for reading Everyday-N-Between

Happiness yours….or someone else’s????

June 15, 2010

What makes you truly happy? Puppies- art- chocolate – car- writing – reading- cooking? Do you know?

Most people do not know what makes them truly happy. I don’t. I have spent too many years trying to accommodate someone else’s happiness that I have forgotten about my own. So now I am on the great hunt to find what makes me happy. Any suggestions?  You know what I challenge you to stop everything right now and see if you know what truly makes you happy. Let me know.

One thing I have learned make sure you hold on to you when you become part of an us. Because when it is time for you…. you won’t have any clue what to you. I am sure I knew of things that made me happy but not now. I am truly at a loss . I thought I had one thing but it turns out you can’t go back to something isn’t really there.  Take the time do something that makes you happy at least every other day. Because you don’t want to wake up one morning and realize you don’t know.

Growing Up

June 11, 2010

Growing up and losing your dreams. So do you actually loose your dreams when you grow up or do your dreams become different dreams?

When you were little you didn’t dream about having a mortgage and car payment and student loan payment … No you dreamed of being an astronaut or ice cream man or magician maybe you dreamed of discovering far away places. So what exactly happens? Do the dreams just get lost and eventually fade as you age or do they just change as you grow up? I can’t even remember what my dreams were but I am pretty sure they never involved an abusive relationship ending in divorce and raising children on my own with no child support. Or a 14 year strand of bad luck. (If not for the bad I would have none.) No I am pretty sure my dreams must have been great. But now what do you do is there a way to get them back? If so how?

But I wouldn’t change any of it for the world because my children wouldn’t be my children. They are the best! I listen to them to their dreams and think wow they are going to be great people and do great things as long as they can remember and hold on to their dreams. I will do my best to help them remember.

I encourage you to remember or find your dream and hold on to it until you can do it! Make it come true!

Thanks for reading
